Kamis, 28 April 2016

Work Out Smarter, Not Harder

Okay, maybe a little bit harder. It may sound like a complicated method reserved only for gym rats or People Who Do Crossfit, but resistance training is simply when you exercise your muscles using an opposing force, like weights or resistance bands.
Work Out Smarter, Not Harder
Okay maybe a little harder.
Physiclo - Work Out Smarter, Not Harder

Resistance training is important.
It may sound like a complicated method reserved only for gym rats or People Who Do Crossfit, but resistance training is simply when you exercise your muscles using an opposing force, like weights or resistance bands.

Why it’s important:
• Builds muscle to support strength gains and combat bone density loss
• Boosts metabolism more effectively than cardio alone
• Prevents injury by strengthening ligaments and tendons*

None of these benefits were lost on the NYU med student and Olympic fencer who created Physiclo, the first compression pants with built-in resistance technology. Originally designed as a tool to help patients with unhealthy habits reach a minimum baseline of fitness, Physiclo is now used by both professional as well as the casual athlete to train more efficiently.

How they work:
These extremely unique workout pants use a special system of elastics to deliver safe, low-impact resistance across a full range of motion. The built-in resistance bands increase key muscle activation by 23%, boost heart rate by 8% and caloric burn by 14%.

Harnessing resistance training technology, Physiclo’s pants give you a better workout in less time, without needing to use any equipment.

Digg readers get 25% off any gear when you use the code DIGG25.

Shop Now

*P.S. If you want to read more on strength and resistance training benefits, check out this recent article from Greatist.


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