Rabu, 23 Januari 2019

Get Your Debt Down

The path out of debt might start with a brand new credit card.
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Credit card debt can be a scary — one way out might be a new credit card.

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Getting behind on a payment or two is a surefire way to get into some financial trouble. It's also a good way to turn that trusty credit card you keep in your wallet into a source of anxiety.

We have an idea (that we got from listening to our money savvy friends at NextAdvisor) that might help fix these problems and get your finances in order easily: a new credit card.

That's right, a new card with a temporary 0% APR (which stands for annual percentage rate, or the amount of interest you pay on an outstanding balance) could be the key to fixing your credit card debt woes. In fact, there are even cards that exist for the exact purpose of shouldering your debt from an old card and helping you pay it off. There are a lot of them, actually.

How will you know which card is the one that will help you the best? NextAdvisor has your back. They have a comprehensive list of cards with long 0% APR periods and no fees, so you can pay down your debt and even earn a little cash back.


A credit card that saves you money? Take that all the way to the bank.


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