Rabu, 11 September 2019

Meet Your Skin Biome

Mother Dirt is bringing hard science to skin care.
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Bacteria and probiotics are all over your skin. That's a good thing.


Life gets messy. It's supposed to be! Nature is full of tiny, moving parts. For example, scientists have found Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria nearly everywhere on the planet. These tiny, microscopic organisms — also called AOB — go about their business turning toxic materials into important and life-giving resources for the rest of the environment to use. Scientists see this all over, in biomes big and small.

One of those smaller biomes includes your skin. Or, at least, it used to. In modern times, humans tend to use enough chemicals and products on their skin, that AOB is almost completely wiped out on our bodies.

Obviously, that's not great for AOB. It's also not great for your skin. AOB is good for your overall health, which is why Mother Dirt has invested in restoring your new favorite microorganisms to its natural habitat: you.

Great for balancing out oily skin, dry skin, and improving skin smoothness, Mother Dirt's skin recovery kit is clinically tested and has no added fragrance. Try it today and restore natural, messy order to your skin and your AOB. And added bonus, use code DIGG25 and save 25% off your motherdirt.com order.


A little AOB goes a long way.


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